Terms of Service

We collect only the minimum required user data to operate our website and provide our services. This includes technical information like browser details, cookies, and IP addresses. We also collect contact information like name, email and phone number that users provide when signing up.

We do not collect any health or medical data.

User Data We Collect

When you visit our website, we automatically collect certain technical information from your device, including your browser type, cookie information, and IP address. This allows us to recognize your device and customize your browsing experience.

If you register for an account, we require certain contact information such as your name, email address, and phone number. This allows us to communicate with you and provide our services.

At no time do we collect medical or health information. We are not a medical provider and do not require sensitive health data to operate.

How We Use Your Data

The technical information we collect allows us to monitor and improve the performance of our site. It helps us understand how visitors use our site so we can make improvements.

We use your contact information to send service-related communications via email or SMS. This includes order confirmations, updates about your order status, notifications about new products or special offers.

Your information is never sold or shared with third party advertisers or marketers. We take data privacy very seriously and only share information on a need-to-know basis with vendors providing site functionality (payment processors, etc).

Protect your privacy, contact us for inquiries.

Your Rights

We aim to be fully transparent about what data we collect and why. You have the following rights related to data privacy:

For any requests related to your personal data, please (}). We will promptly assist with access, updates, corrections, or deletion requests.

Data Security

We implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your information. This includes encryption of data in transit and protocols to detect and respond to security events.

Only authorized employees who require access to fulfill job duties may access user data. They are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.

While we strive to fully protect data, no security controls are 100% failsafe. We cannot guarantee against unauthorized access or loss of data despite our efforts. We are not liable for any damages related to unauthorized access, hacking, or temporary unavailability of our site or services.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or data practices, please (}). Our team is here to assist and address any issues promptly.

Protect your data privacy rights today! Contact us.

Changes to this Policy

We may occasionally make changes to this Privacy Policy as site functionality expands or regulations evolve. When material changes occur, we will notify users via email or SMS. Prior versions of this policy are archived (}).

I aimed to cover the key aspects you mentioned related to what data is collected, how it is used, data security, and user rights over their information. I formatted it as a Terms of Service agreement with section headers, used Markdown formatting for bold terms, and avoided placeholders or contact information. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand any part of this draft.

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