Sleep disturbances

Sleep disturbances affect nearly everyone at some point. Getting quality sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. When our sleep is disrupted regularly, it can lead to chronic health issues over time. There are various types of sleep disorders that interfere with getting sufficient and restorative sleep. Some common categories of sleep disturbances include:

The most prevalent sleep disorder is insomnia, which makes it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. Short-term insomnia may be caused by stress, changes in routine, jet lag, or caffeine intake. When insomnia persists for over 3 months, it is diagnosed as chronic insomnia which requires more intensive treatment. Sleep apnea is another widespread disorder, where breathing is briefly interrupted multiple times during sleep. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea which occurs when throat muscles relax too much. This deprives the body of enough oxygen leading to loud snoring and frequent awakenings. Do you have trouble sleeping? The specialists at Harmony Hormone Therapy provide customized treatment plans to help patients overcome sleep issues. Our comprehensive wellness programs combine bioidentical hormone therapy with lifestyle coaching to improve sleep quality holistically. We understand the vital role of sleep for health and happiness, which is why we take a personalized approach to resolve the root causes of your sleep disturbances. Schedule a consultation today to start getting the restful sleep your body and mind deserve! Diagnosing sleep disorders typically involves an overnight sleep study called a polysomnogram. This test monitors brain waves, breathing, heart rate, blood oxygen levels and more while you sleep. A sleep specialist will analyze the results and may order further tests to pinpoint the specific condition causing poor sleep. Treatment options vary depending on the sleep disorder: Creating an environment optimized for healthy sleep is crucial. Investing in a comfortable mattress, breathable bedding, blackout curtains and minimizing noise can make a big difference. Tracking sleep duration and quality with a sleep diary or wearable device provides valuable insights as well. In summary, sleep disturbances like insomnia and sleep apnea are widespread issues that interfere with getting restorative rest. Seeking treatment is important, as ongoing deprivation can negatively impact both physical and mental health. Reach out to the compassionate team at Harmony Hormone Therapy if you need help diagnosing and resolving your sleep problems once and for all! We use an integrative approach to heal sleep disturbances at their root cause.

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