
What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the transitional stage before menopause when a woman's body begins shifting toward permanent infertility. This phase can last up to 10 years as the ovaries start to fail and hormone levels become irregular.

Some key things to know:

Changes and Challenges

The hallmark of perimenopause is hormonal fluctuations. As the ovaries decline in function, they may release higher than normal amounts of estrogen at times. Then estrogen falls rapidly, while FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) rises. This roller coaster of hormones often triggers uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes.

Vaginal dryness and pain with intercourse are also common complaints due to lowering estrogen levels. Some women experience emotional volatility or have trouble concentrating and sleeping. Weight gain often occurs during perimenopause as metabolism slows.

For many women, the ups and downs of perimenopause can take a toll both physically and mentally. Reaching out to doctors and loved ones for support is important. Lifestyle measures like eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, avoiding triggers, and managing stress can help alleviate symptoms.

Seeking Help

If you think you could be perimenopausal, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist or a menopause specialist like those at Harmony Hormone Therapy. Blood tests can check hormone levels, and you can discuss treatment options like hormone therapy or low-dose birth control pills to regulate cycles.

The caring doctors at Harmony Hormone Therapy specialize in guiding women through perimenopause and menopause. They offer personalized care plans to help you feel like yourself again.

While perimenopause may bring challenges, remember that it's a normal transition. Give your body and mind some extra TLC during this time of change. With proper support, many women are able to manage symptoms and thrive in perimenopause.

Seek support and guidance through Harmony Hormone Therapy Menopause Specialists.

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