Muscle loss

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscles in the body weaken and reduce in size due to lack of use. It can happen due to various reasons like illness, injury, poor nutrition, or simply lack of physical activity.

Muscle atrophy leads to loss of both muscle strength and mass. People experiencing muscle loss may feel constantly exhausted and fatigued. They may also be prone to strains and sprains due to weakened muscles. Along with physical effects, muscle loss can also impact mental health and body image.

Causes of Muscle Loss

Some common causes of muscle wasting include:

Preventing Muscle Loss

Here are some tips to preserve existing muscle mass and prevent excess muscle wasting:

"The specialists at Harmony Hormone Therapy can help diagnose your muscle loss and craft customised treatment plans involving hormone therapy, diet plans and supplements to improve muscle strength and performance. Get a free consultation today!"

Get a free consultation at Harmony Hormone Therapy today!

Addressing Muscle Loss

If you are already experiencing muscle atrophy, focus on slowly rebuilding muscle tissue through:

In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medications to address underlying conditions causing muscle wasting eg cancer, kidney disease etc.

With proper guidance, most causes of muscle wasting can be managed well. Seek medical care at first signs of rapid muscle loss along with fatigue. Call the Harmony Hormone Therapy Therapy Clinic today!

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