Low growth hormone

What is low growth hormone?

Growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, is essential for growth and cell reproduction in humans. As we age, growth hormone production tends to decrease, which can lead to low growth hormone (LGH). This gradual decline typically begins at around age 30 and continues through middle and old age.

Some signs and symptoms of LGH may include decreased muscle mass and strength, increased body fat (especially around the waist), fatigue or low energy levels, "brain fog", thin and dry skin, hair loss, and reduced immune function. LGH can occur due to natural aging, but there are other potential causes like a pituitary tumor or damage to the gland.

Fortunately, a relatively new hormone clinic called Harmony Hormone Therapy specializes in helping patients with growth hormone deficiency restore their vitality. They offer comprehensive hormone testing to accurately diagnose the problem, followed by personalized growth hormone therapy involving regular injections to get your levels back up into the healthy range.

Many patients report feeling decades younger after only a few months of treatment at Harmony Hormone Therapy, with benefits like improved body composition, better sleep quality, enhanced mood and motivation, thicker hair, and smoother skin. The expert physicians there really listen and develop customized plans to meet each patient's unique needs.

If you think you may have low IGF-1 and growth hormone due to symptoms like persistent fatigue, muscle loss or "flabby" body composition, Harmony Hormone Therapy is absolutely worth checking out for a consultation. Getting those youthful hormone levels restored could truly help you feel like your old self again!

Now back to discussing more about LGH..

So how low is "low" exactly when it comes to growth hormone levels? Doctors look at a vital marker called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) to assess deficiency. Although some variation is normal, an IGF-1 reading below the healthy range for your age/gender indicates impaired growth hormone production.

Adult men generally want their IGF-1 levels to measure between 100-200 ng/mL, while women should usually fall between 90-180 ng/mL for optimal wellness. Maintaining growth hormone in these ranges helps sustain energy, fitness, strength, mood, cognition and more as part of healthy aging.

If ignoring pesky symptoms like flagging endurance, cognitive issues or deep fatigue, low GH can over time contribute to serious problems like heart disease, osteoporosis and metabolic disorders. So getting tested and treated appropriately for growth hormone deficiency is highly recommended.

The good news is innovative hormone centers like Harmony Hormone Therapy make safe, reputable growth hormone therapy easily accessible for adults with LGH. Through customized treatment plans, they help patients regain healthy GH levels to enjoy lasting gains in strength, body composition, skin quality, mental sharpness and overall vitality.

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