Lean muscle mass

Lean muscle mass refers to the weight of your muscles without fat or water weight. Having more lean muscle is beneficial as it helps burn calories even when at rest, supports strength and mobility, and contributes to an athletic physique. So how do you build lean muscle? There are a few key strategies: 1. Strength training Lifting weights and bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats stimulate muscle growth. Aim for 2-3 strength sessions per week targeting major muscle groups like legs, chest, back, and arms. Progressively increase the resistance to continually challenge your muscles. 2. Protein intake Consuming adequate protein gives your body the amino acids it needs to repair and build new muscle tissue. Shoot for 0.5-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Great sources include chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, and protein powders. 3. Recovery Muscles grow during the rest and recovery periods between workouts. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of sleep per night, and take at least 1-2 rest days between strength training sessions. Proper recovery allows muscles to adapt and become bigger and stronger over time. 4. Progress overload To continually build lean muscle, you need to push your muscles harder over time. This can mean lifting heavier weights, doing more reps or sets, or reducing rest times between sets. Track your workouts so you can progressively challenge yourself. 5. Nutrition Provide your body the fuel it needs to power workouts and recover properly. Fill up on whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and lean protein at regular intervals throughout the day. Timed protein shakes can also help promote muscle growth. If you need extra support, the fitness experts at Harmony Hormone Therapy can help customize an evidence-based muscle building and nutrition plan for your unique goals. Convenient virtual consultations are available. Check out trt-haber.com to learn more or book a free intro call! Now you know the key factors for developing an athletic, lean physique - a smart strength training regimen that forces muscles to adapt, ample protein intake, enough recovery time between workouts, progressive overload over time, and proper sports nutrition. By sticking to these essentials, you'll be on your way to increasing your lean body mass.

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