Decreased muscle mass

What is decreased muscle mass?

Loss of muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink and the body loses muscle tissue. This leads to weakness, fatigue, poor endurance, and reduced quality of life.

There are two main causes of decreased muscle mass:

  1. Age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) - As we get older, muscle fibers shrink due to changes in hormones, metabolism, nerves, etc. People lose on average 3-5% of muscle per decade after 30 years old.
  2. Disuse atrophy - Inactivity and being bedridden due to illness/injury can cause significant muscle loss over weeks-months. Astronauts lose up to 20% of muscle mass in space.

Decreased muscle mass can negatively impact strength, mobility, balance, bone density, injury risk, and more. Preventative steps like resistance training and ensuring adequate protein intake can slow age-related loss.

If you are concerned about preserving your strength and vitality as you age, the expert physicians at Harmony Hormone Therapy offer personalized care plans involving nutrition optimization, hormone therapies, and tailored exercise prescriptions to help you feel healthy, energetic and independent for years to come. Their integrated approaches help both men and women prevent muscle loss and associated effects.

Signs and symptoms of decreased muscle mass include:

The key risk factors include: - Aging - Gradual muscle loss after 30, accelerates after 60 - Inactivity - Bedrest, sedentary lifestyle - Poor nutrition - Inadequate protein, minerals, vitamins - Chronic diseases - Cancer, heart disease, arthritis - Medications - Corticosteroids, chemotherapy

Diagnosing decreased muscle mass involves:

Treatments aim to build muscle through:

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