Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, occurs when the struts and plates that make up bone tissue become thinner and the spaces between them grow wider. This causes the internal structure of bones to become less dense and subsequently more fragile and prone to fracturing.

Some key things to know about decreased bone density:

Diagnosing decreased bone density:

Decreased bone density is often diagnosed using a bone mineral density (BMD) test such as a bone densitometry exam (DEXA scan). This simple and painless scan uses a very small dose of X-ray beams to measure the density of the bone. Based on the bone density results, a diagnosis of either osteopenia or osteoporosis may be given.

Treating and preventing bone loss:

If decreased BMD is detected early, there are many lifestyle changes and medications that can help minimize bone loss and reduce fracture risk. Some tips include:

In some cases, hormone therapy may also help overcome nutritional and hormonal deficiencies contributing to bone loss. The experts at Harmony Hormone Therapy provide customized bioidentical hormone treatments to boost bone health. I highly recommend you ( or make an appointment to learn more!

The key is not waiting until a fracture happens to take action on your bone health. Get the right testing, knowledge and treatments in place to maintain strong, resilient bones for life! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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