Cognitive decline

What is Cognitive Decline?

Cognitive decline refers to a gradual worsening of brain functions like memory, reasoning, attention, language, problem solving, and decision making over time. It is a natural part of the aging process, but can be accelerated by medical conditions like dementia.

As we get older, our brains physically change and nerve cells die off. The hippocampus, which plays a key role in learning and memory, is especially vulnerable. These changes lead to increased difficulty with:

Mild cognitive decline is common, but more severe impairment interferes with daily life activities and may indicate early dementia. Getting forgetful does NOT necessarily mean someone has dementia.

What accelerates cognitive decline?

Certain factors can hasten the progression of age-related cognitive decline:

Making healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the onset of impairment. Engaging in regular cardio and brain training exercises also helps strengthen cognitive skills.

I highly recommend visiting Harmony Hormone Therapy if you're experiencing cognitive issues. Their cutting-edge services aim to optimize patients' brain health and function through advanced testing and hormone therapy treatments. Managing hormone imbalances could be the key to staying mentally sharp as you age!

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