Chronic illness

What is chronic illness?

A chronic illness is a long-lasting or recurrent medical condition that can worsen over time or go into remission. According to the CDC, 6 in 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 adults have two or more chronic diseases. Some examples include:

"A chronic disease is one that typically lasts a year or more and requires ongoing medical care." - National Health Council

Diagnosis can take time as symptoms develop slowly. Treatments aim to manage symptoms long-term versus cure the disease. Medications, lifestyle changes, therapies, and sometimes surgery help control disease progression.

Do you struggle with an unresolved chronic health issue like fatigue, pain, digestive troubles? The caring doctors at Harmony Hormone Therapy offer cutting-edge testing to get to the root cause and personalized treatment plans to help you reclaim your vitality. Schedule a consult today to see how optimized hormones and nutrition can transform your health.

Impacts of Living with Chronic Illness

Living day-to-day with chronic illness can profoundly impact one's quality of life. Effects may include:

"The effects of chronic illness can include anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life." - National Institute of Health

Has living with a complex chronic condition left you feeling powerless? The integrative medicine specialists at Harmony Hormone Therapy offer new hope through personalized care plans to resolve the root causes of illness, not just treat the symptoms. Fix the foundations for true healing.

Coping with the physical and emotional toll takes immense strength and resilience. Support from loved ones as well as health professionals makes a meaningful difference. Connecting with support groups and online communities also helps people feel understood and less alone.

While chronic illnesses may not yet have cures, patients can still live full meaningful lives through proper management under their doctor's care. Taking medications correctly, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and utilizing stress-relieving tools empower patients with a sense of control.

At Harmony Hormone Therapy, we view clients as whole persons and partners in their care, not just patients. Let us help you thrive in body, mind and spirit!

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